Friday, January 25, 2019

Book 15

String of Bling reward

Summary 14

In the book The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau tells about a dying underground city and the two
people that are going to try to save it. The two characters Lina and Doon find a message that
might save the city. So far it has told about what they have investigated because of the message
they look for a door in the pipe works looking a door to lead them out. I have not finished but I
predict that they are going to make it out.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Book #13

The book The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan tells about how three kids somehow end up being
demigods that are supposed to save the world. At first it talks about a kid named Jason he wakes
up on a bus with absolutely no memories. He has to travel all across the world with people he
doesn't know to find 3 other people that are apart of a prophecy. They meet a saytar named
Grover who take them to Camp Half Blood. There they get a dragon made of metal. This dragon
is what takes them all over the world. In the end they have to make a flying boat to go and save
they gods, again.